Get git for mac
Get git for mac

get git for mac

In most cases, you will not need to know the exact location of the Git executable. If you installed Git from source, the Git executable will be located in the directory where you installed Git.

get git for mac

If you installed Git using the MacPorts package manager, the Git executable will be located in the /opt/local/bin directory. If you installed Git using the Homebrew package manager, the Git executable will be located in the /usr/local/bin directory. The answer to this question depends on how you installed Git on your computer.

get git for mac

If you are new to Git, you may be wondering where the Git executable is located on your computer. Git is a powerful tool that allows developers to track changes in their code and share their code with other developers. If you are a developer who uses Mac OS, you are probably familiar with the Git version control system.

Get git for mac